Love is spelt T.I.M.E.

A simple sentences that I hear from the children - "Dad, can you play with me?" And it's often asked at an inconvenient time. But the reality is that what they are really asking is can you spend time with me.

Time is precious and limited. How we spend it is the greatest choice that we have. It's important to spend it with those that are important to you. It shows them that you love them because you are giving them the most important thing you have - your time.

That has made me think that my children are telling me that they want to spend time with me. That is a lesson that I needed to learn. Even when there is a million things to do that I need to have my children understand that I want to spend time with them and they are the most important people (after my wife) that I want to spend my time.

So, with that in mind - I've booked a weekend away with the family. We are staying in a little farm house at the foothills of Mt Buffalo in Victoria.

Let the adventures begin!


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