Getting to the bottom of the problem

I recently found out about the H.A.L.T  as a way to think about the causes of negative behaviours. We can behave badly when we are either Hungry, Angry, Loney or Tired. For example, a study found that a Judge is more lenient in their sentensing after a meal break then before - also known as the Hungry Judge Effect.

It's not surprise really, our kids have always been a little 'hangry' at times and we know that if we miss the food window that they can get a little upset until the food settles in. What I like about HALT is is that it gives me a mental checklist to go through to narrow down the reason someone might be behaving badly and try to address the issue.

Personally for me, I think that I suffer the most at the moment from loneliness. Having four children takes a lot of my time. I hyper focus on their needs and often put my own at the back of the priority list. Is this a bad thing? I'm not sure. I recently watched What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness and found that after a lifetime of studying individuals reasons for happiness that 'meaningful relationships' was the most important part of our lives. I'm trying to have meaningful relationships with my children and to ensure they know that I will always be there for them - at least that is the goal.


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