Deep Nourishment

I find myself in the garden more and more. It saddens me to see that many of the trees haven't really started to grow leaves. I know I don't water enough but what I didn't know was how I needed to water - deep

You see, in order to get the water were it needs to be, you have to water close and slow. You put the hose at the base of the tree and let it trickle. The water doesn't pool at the top but instead, it starts up penitrate deep into the grown - down into the root ball. Ideally, early in the morning. The tree is like a straw and water is drawn up the trunk into the branches. 

At least that's the theory. So far, I can see the evidence that this works as little buds and start of leaves growing at the top of the tree - rather than the splattering of leaves we have previously had.

We have water tanks and solar to run the pumps. We had all we needed, without cost, to make a big difference in the growth of the trees but I lacked the knowledge and experience to nourish them.

I'm other news, two more of the original chickens we bought a couple of years ago have passed. The first time we had a chicken die I just threw it in the bin. This time, I put them in the compost. Within a couple of weeks they were pretty much gone into the dirt and we are left with rich compost. To make the remaining hen not so lonely, we got four more and now we have a lot more eggs and the feed is going quickly. I'm starting to be a little more precious about the garden so I don't want have them have free range yet.

Bring outside gets the kids to go outside to. I need to be the example to then. To be adventurous, even when it is hard.

We are a single car family. The local park is at least a 20 minute walk. Thankfully we have a trolley to carry Yellow as she's still to young for a bike.


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