Time well spent

I've been trying to spend more meaningful time with my family. Time will pass regardless of what we do and I find myself getting lost in the whirlwind. I have started to record events in an App called How Long Since. It allows me to record 1-on-1 time with each child (and who is next), last time we went on a date with my wife or when I exercised last.

The first date with my oldest daughter (Pink), we went to Carls Jr for Star chicken nuggets then to Timezone to have some fun. I managed to win her a Rainbow Unicorn toy. It was one of those claw hook games and the thing was that it fell from the claw into the ajoining hole of a two claw machine - a pure fluke!

Spending one-on-one time is important. Time will go on regardless - might as well spend it well.


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