Winter Sun

I had a bit of a health concern which is on going but I'm getting treatment. Mostly because of that and the cold weather, I havent been on the bike much. Yesterday, I road 30km during a nice sunny and warm winters day.

It felt good to get out and strengthen my body again. I've felt so weak recently. I've also felt pressure from work and family - so to have some time to myself was a welcomed change.

Today's weather was just as nice but I was sore from the ride. The kids played on the background playground for a while and played with the dog we are dog sitting. However, we got out to a playground in the afternoon.

Yellow was scared of the slide at first.  I went down with her and then she kept wanting to go down by herself again and again.

The boys enjoyed going around on scooters.

I found out that Rachel utilised the alone time to have a bath and relax. It's important that we all get some time to take care of ourselves. Enjoy the sun while it shines.


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