Use it or lose it

Sometimes it feels like we are drowning in stuff. You buy it, sort it and store it and sometimes it breaks and you get rid of it. Rachel is a big fan of watching YouTube channels of minimalism and sometimes she'll cull stuff. However, there always seems to be more coming into the house than going out.

It makes you wonders how much you actually need. What 'brings you joy' and what does not. I guess as you get older and start to really comprehend the complexities of life, you yearn for simplicity and the days when leaving the house meant taking just your keys and wallet.

Toys are a big part of the stuff we own. We have a dedicated 'toy room' which always seems to have toys strewn over the floor. What especially annoys me is toys that break into smaller parts - I'm looking at you Lego! And yet, often times the one toy that kids seem to like the most is a simple cardboard box that they can hide in and close the lid.

As well as stuff we own, I've started to be more mindful of my body and trying to be healthy. This means trying to keep fit and only eating food that I can 'use it' for energy and not store it as fat. That's something all of us are trying to 'lose it'.

What I'm trying to say is embrace the feeling of letting go of the things that are holding you back. Keep your mind on what is important.


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